Epiphany: Sun Jan 2, 2022
Morning Service without Communion (TLH p5), including sermon Epiphany: Sun Jan 2, 2022 Ev. Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, LCMS - Peekskill, NY William P. Terjesen, Pastor 0:01:17 - Opening Hymn: TLH#131: The Star Proclaims the King Is Here 0:04:00 - Invocation 0:04:10 - The Confession of Sins 0:06:03 - The Introit 0:06:20 - Gloria Patri 0:06:36 - The Kyrie 0:06:44 - The Gloria In Excelsis 0:07:46 - Salutation 0:07:51 - Collect for the Day 0:08:36 - Lesson: Isaiah 60.1-6 0:10:10 - Epistle: Acts 8.26-39 0:13:12 - Gradual 0:13:46 - The Triple Hallelujah 0:13:52 - Gospel: Acts 8.26-39 0:16:30 - The Apostles' Creed 0:17:22 - Hymn of the Day: TLH#127: As with Gladness Men of Old 0:21:07 - Sermon 0:41:11 - The Offertory 0:41:40 - The General Prayer 0:43:37 - The Lord's Prayer 0:44:12 - The Collect for the Word 0:44:53 - The Benediction 0:45:1 3- Closing Hymn: TLH#644: Doxology More about this service: https://ourredeemerlcms.org/services/...