Gluten Free Peanut butter & Jelly Cookies - Laura's Gluten Free Kitchen
Link to the full written recipe - https://laurasglutenfreekitchen.com/2... If you’re just a tiny bit obsessed with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or anything peanut butter related, you’ve gotta try these peanut butter and jelly cookies! They’re made with peanut butter cookie dough and filled with jam! I used strawberry jam in these since that’s what I had in the house at the time. Please Subscribe!! Follow me on Social Media Snapchat -- laurasgfkitchen Twitter -- / laurasgfkitchen Facebook -- / laurasglutenfreekitchen Instragram -- / laurasglutenfreekitchenxx Pinterest --https://www.pinterest.ie/Laurasgluten...