Sacral Chakra | Powerful meditation music for manifestation. Improve creativity and confidence

Sacral Chakra | Powerful meditation music for manifestation. Improve creativity and confidence

This music was created tuning all elements in harmony with the root frequency of "B" 480Hz and other sounds to help you on deepening the levels of connection through your being. 🎧 For a more efficient benefit, listen to this music with headphones and lay down in a comfortable place or a meditation posture and focus all your attention to the base of your spine or lumbar region. Svadhisthana (Sanskrit: !ािध%ान) or the sacral chakra is the second chakra according to Hinduism. This chakra is said to be blocked by fear, especially the fear of death. Opening this chakra can boost creativity, manifested desire and confidence. The Sacral Chakra has often associated hormones testosterone or estrogen production, which influence sexual behavior. This powerful energetic center is related to: ·Creativity ·Sexuality ·Confidence ·Manifestation ·Testes and Ovaries When this chakra is balanced and functioning properly, we can expect our relationship with ourselves and the world to feel harmonious, pleasureful, and fearless. The Svadhisthana is associated with the element of water. The water element is all about flow, flexibility and freedom of expression when it comes to emotions and sensuality. This energy center, when balanced, offers direct access to flow, flexibility and joy. For more Meditative Music Powerful Meditative Frequencies Playlist    / playlist   list=PLCqyk4TaVmrmEZmwHDpJ1e_L1jYRWT09x Binaural Beats Therapy Playlist Earth Frequencies & Schumann Resonance If you would like us to create and produce a custom track, let us know in the comments or visit our store: Sounds of Shavasana is a quantum project devoted to producing energetic music for meditation, yoga, relaxation, reiki, and healing. What is Shavasana? Shavasana or Savasana is the Sanskrit name for an important restorative posture. “Lying down on the ground, like a corpse, totally surrendered.” Nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nothing to think. Let the illusionary sensation of control melt on the floor. Integrate all the benefits of the experience and give the mind rest at a deeper level of consciousness. It’s scientifically proven that frequencies have a powerful influence and raise the vibrational field of all beings. We hope this project brings abundance, joy, and blessings to all who want to tap into their full potential. The content of this channel is copyrighted, registered, and licensed by the creators. Thank you for your understanding and support. ♡ Our unconditional love to all of you. Produced by Nice View Studios #soundhealing #chakras #meditation