Rotational kinetic energy of hoop disc and sphere | Physics | Class 11 | Chapter 5 | Urdu/Hindi

Rotational kinetic energy of hoop disc and sphere | Physics | Class 11 | Chapter 5 | Urdu/Hindi

Rotational kinetic energy of hoop disc and sphere | Physics | Class 11 | Chapter 5 | Urdu/Hindi Kinetic energy of a rolling body consists of two components: *translational kinetic energy* due to the motion of the center of mass and *rotational kinetic energy* due to the spinning of the body about its axis. When an object rolls without slipping, both these energies contribute to its total kinetic energy. The distribution of energy depends on the shape and moment of inertia of the object, which varies for a hoop, disc, and sphere. In this video, we explore the rotational kinetic energy of different objects, including a hoop, disc, and sphere. This topic is an essential part of Class 11 Physics, Chapter 5, covering the concepts of rotational motion and energy distribution in various rigid bodies. Topics Covered: ✔️ Rotational kinetic energy formula ✔️ Moment of inertia of hoop, disc, and sphere ✔️ Comparison of kinetic energy in different objects ✔️ Important numerical problems & examples Best for: Class 11 students studying Urdu/Hindi medium Physics, competitive exam aspirants (NEET, JEE, MDCAT, etc.), and anyone interested in understanding rotational motion. Don't forget to Like, Share & Subscribe for more physics concepts in easy Urdu/Hindi! 😊 #Physics #Class11 #RotationalKineticEnergy #HoopDiscSphere #UrduHindi #Chapter5