꽈리고추 찌거나 조림하지 마세요 !! 이렇게 만들었더니 하나도 남기지 않고 다 먹었어요/꽈리고추반찬 a red pepper dish
꽈리고추 700그램 만가닥버섯 2봉 가자미살 3조각 간마늘 1작은술 양파누룩 1큰술 진간장 1큰술 까나리액젓 1큰술 쌀조청 1작은술 참기름 1큰술 고춧가루 2큰술 전분가루 2큰술 식용유 5큰술 누룩양파1큰술 간마늘 1작은술 물 200ml 토마토소스 100그램 무가당생크림 100그램 우유 100그램 파마산치즈가루 1큰술 굴소스 1큰술 700 grams of twisted red pepper 2 bags of mandarin mushrooms 3 pieces of flounder meat a teaspoon of ground garlic 1 tablespoon of onion yeast 1 tablespoon of thick soy sauce 1 tablespoon sand lance extract a teaspoon of rice grain syrup 1 tablespoon of sesame oil 2 spoons of red pepper powder 2 tablespoons starch 5 tablespoons of cooking oil 1 tablespoon of yeast onion a teaspoon of ground garlic 200ml of water 100 grams of tomato sauce 100 grams of unsweetened cream 100 grams of milk #꽈리고추요리#꽈리고추무침#꽈리고추조림#꽈리고추찜#꽈리고멸치볶음#꽈리고추효능#꽈리고추반찬#꽈리고추장아찌#꽈리고추장조림######