Infective Endocarditis (Acute vs Subacute) Treatment, Symptoms, Medicine Lecture USMLE/NCLEX

Infective Endocarditis (Acute vs Subacute) Treatment, Symptoms, Medicine Lecture USMLE/NCLEX

Infective Endocarditis (Acute vs Subacute) Treatment, Symptoms, Medicine Lecture USMLE/NCLEX In this video on acute and subscute bacterial infective endocardiotis i have talked about the symptoms signs and treatment as well as the diagnosis of infective endocarditis according to the latest guidelines. Infective endocarditis is a highly tested topic in USMLE step 2 ck exams and in NCLEX exams. Checlist has been provided at the end to help the doctors manage all cases of infective endocarditis wih confidence. Chapters: (Clickable) 0:00 Intro 0:17 Definition 1:15 Symptoms & Presentation 3:46 Diagnosis 5:58 Important Point 6:51 Modified Dukes Criteria 8:31 Osler Nodes, Janeway Lesions, Roth Spots 10:31 How to use Modified Dukes Criteria 11:35 Treatment 13:21 Prophylaxis 14:29 Checklist for Management 15:49 Summary FOLLOW ME ON :) Instagram:   / docwaqasfazal   Facebook:   / drwaqasfazal   SUBSCRIBE TO MEDNERD FOR MORE INTERESTING VIDEOS Infectious Medicine Playlist:    • Infectious Medicine Lectures   Cardiology Lectures:    • Cardiology Bootcamp Lectures   Neurology Lectures Playlist:    • Neurology Lectures   Emergency Medicine Lectures Playlist :    • Emergency Medicine Lectures   TOXICOLOGY/POISONING LECTURES:    • Toxicology/Poisoning Lectures   #infectiveendocarditis #infectiveendocarditismedicinelecture #infectiveendocarditismicrobiology #acuteendocarditis #acutebacterialendocarditis #subacuteendocarditis #infectiveendocarditissymptoms #infectiveendocarditisgeneralmedicinelecture #modifieddukescriteria #endocarditis #endocarditisnursing #infectiveendocarditistreatment acute infective endocarditis,acute and subacute infective endocarditis,infective endocarditis usmle,endocarditis nclex,usmle