CRAZY CHRiSTMAS CHALLENGES!! Adley Niko & Navey play Santa Says, Reindeer Dad, and Fun Family Games!
CHRiSTMAS CHALLENGES to find out who's on the NAUGHTY LiST and who is on the NiCE LiST 🎅📝 LET'S BE FRIENDS -- https://goo.gl/a7ctjJ HEY EVERYBODY!! It's the Holiday season which means it's time for all our Christmas traditions! We already did our Christmas Tree crafts in another video, so now it's time for CHRiSTMAS CHALLENGES 2023!! This is one of our favorite videos to do every year around this time! Mom picks out a couple of Christmas themed challenges for us to do, and this year she hid the challenges in some cups that were in the shape of a tree! Then we took turns punching out some tissue paper that was covering the cups to reveal what challenge it was. The first challenge of the year is one called "Santa Says" it's pretty much the same as the game "Simon Says" but in this version, you have to listen to the person who is dressed up like Santa! Dad was Santa first, and he tricked Navey, Niko, and Mom! That means they were all on the naughty list but I was on the nice list! The next challenge was "Merry Cupmas". In this challenge, we each got a stack of cups to see who could build the tallest Christmas Tre of cups before the time ran out. I thought I was going to win, but them Dad and Niko decided to use teamwork so they ended up on the nice list, but Me, Mom, and Navey were on the naughty list. The next challenge was called "Bow Battle" and we all had to take turns on this challenge! First you got a blindfold put on you, then you had to use a spatula to scoop up Christmas bows from the table and fling them into a green bowl to earn some "nice list points" but the bows landed in the red bowl you got "naughty list points"! I went first and got a bunch in the nice listbowl , and only a couple in the naughty list bowl! I thought I was going to win for sure, but Navey was up next and she did SO GOOD! She got 10 bows in the nice list bucket and 0 in the naughty list bucket.. so Navey was the winner of that challenge! After that we did "Candy Cane Fishing" where we used candy canes ties to string as our fishing poles, and had to use those to catch other candy canes from outside the boat! We did teams for this challenge ( Dad and Navey vs Mom, Niko, and I) it was a close challenge but our team ended up winning. Next we did a challenge that we do EVERY YEAR "Christmas Charades" this one is super fun because we get to act out our favorite Christmas things and try to get the other to guess it! Some of the things we had to act as were: Santa Clause, Snowman, Snow Angel, The Grinch, Elf on the Shelf (like our elf snowy), and more! The VERY last challenge of the day was another one that we do almost every year, it's called (Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer)! Me and Dad put some whipped cream on our nose while everyone else took turns trying to throw little red noses on us! We always have tons of fun with our Christmas Challenges, do you guys to challenges with your family? Maybe holiday challenges can be your new family tradition too! watch our CARTOON Christmas Challenges - Family Christmas Challenges 2 ⛄ GiRLS vs BOYS with Reindeer Racing Adley and Snowman Building Niko • Family Christmas Challenges 2 ⛄ GiRL... my last video - Dog HiDE n SEEK with Olive and Koopa!! Can our dogs Find us Hiding? Playing a new game as a family • Dog HiDE n SEEK with Olive and Koopa!... my dad's last video - DECORATiNG our FAMiLY TREE 🎄 a Christmas Tradition with Navey Niko and Adley! Making Merry Memories • DECORATiNG our FAMiLY TREE 🎄 a Christ... A for Adley Shorts - / @aforadleyshorts Best Day Ever Shorts - / @bestdayevershorts G for Gaming - / @gforgaming Spacestation Animation - / @spacestationanimation Bye vlog pshhhhh