몸속 시한폭탄 '만성염증' 예방 TIP ☆ 진짜 의사가 돌아왔다 26회
만성염증 예방법 1 신체적, 정신적 스트레스 줄이기 2 만성염증에 좋은 음식 섭취하기 3 액상과당 속 단순 당 줄이기 Please enter subtitle of this video in your own language Anybody can enter subtitle by referring to existing English subtitle You can make viewers all over the world pleased with your subtitle Please click below link if you are interested in participating with subtitle JTBC Youtube channel communicating with fans faster View more videos & informations ☞ ▶ official : ▶ youtube : ▶ facebook : ▶ twitter :