2022-07-31 Holy Qurbono - (Divine Liturgy) - Malayalam
Published Video - July 31, 2022 Main Celebrant - Fr Jerry Mathew Feast Day of "18th Sunday of Ordinary Time** 1:13 - Morning Prayers 33:50 - Holy Qurbono Pre Announcements 35:26 - HOLY MASS ** 1:57:36 - Prayer to Mar Ivanious 1:58:57 - Prayer for the Priests and the Consecrated 2:02:31 - Memorial Prayer 'Dhoopa Prathana' Vayalil Thomas, Annamma Thomas, Vayalil Abraham Thomas, & Eliamma P. 2:09:05 - Birthdays and Anniversaries Anniversary of Tim & Tanya T. 8/02 AND Birthday of Susy Plamoottil 8/05 2:10:23 - Announcements Houston Trip Reflection General Body Mtg Aug7 Committee Mtg POSTPONED Aug6 @ 6:30pm Agape Schedule - OPEN SLOTS REMAINING Aug1-15 Feast of Assumption Lent - OPTIONAL FAST Monday 8/8/22 6:30pm Syro Malankara Mass at Knaya Church First Friday Adoration This Week Aug5 (Transfiguration Mass) LOST items will be stored in Sacristy until retrieval by owner Windows Installation will start Aug8, 2k22 Malankara BOC - Aug8-10 @ 10am-5pm (@1208 Ashland Av. Evanston IL) Kai Muthe and Dismissal @ 12:30pm START TIME 10:00AM MORNING PRAYERS 10:30AM - HOLY MASS LIVE* stream received 53 views IN PERSON LIVESTREAM REMOTE EDITING