2022-07-24 Holy Qurbono  - (Divine Liturgy) - Malayalam

2022-07-24 Holy Qurbono - (Divine Liturgy) - Malayalam

Published Video - July 24, 2022 Substitute Celebrant - Fr Matthew Thundiyil or Liju Achen (Yonkers, New York) Feast Day of Grandparents and National Cousin Day** **POWER OUTAGE few times during mass which resulted in FROZEN SCREENS 0:22 - Morning Prayers 38:04 - Holy Qurbono Pre Announcements 41:26 - HOLY MASS ** 2:09:18 - Prayer to Mar Ivanious 2:10:35 - Prayer for the Priests and the Consecrated NONE - Memorial Prayer 'Dhoopa Prathana' 2:14:30 - Birthdays and Anniversaries Saji Lazer 7/25, Nolan Varghese 7/29 and Stephina Plamoottil 7/30 2:17:34 - Announcements: led by Binu Abraham Half Yearly Parish council committee Mtg July31 (and Thirunnal Sponsor Mtg) POWER OUTAGE - FROZEN SCREEN General Body Mtg Aug7 Fr Liju (Yonkers) will Substitute TODAY for Jerry Achen's Houston Trip No Friday Adoration This week due to Jerry Achen's Houston Trip Malankara BOC - Second Sunday of August ($60/4+ children) Agape Schedule - OPEN SLOTS REMAINING Kai Muthe and Dismissal @ 12:30pm START TIME 10:00AM MORNING PRAYERS 10:30AM - HOLY MASS LIVE* stream received 55 views IN-PERSON LIVESTREAM