Stop Lawn Fungus From Growing in Your Lawn (4 Easy Steps)
http://bit.ly/Lawn-Fungus-And-Disease... Click the link to learn more about lawn fungus and disease control and shop the professional-grade products featured in this video! Shop for Patch Pro Fungicide here! https://bit.ly/3vE8DDg Shop for a 1-Gallon Hand Pump Sprayer here! https://bit.ly/35HdKrz Shop for Pro Grow Summer Fertilizer here! https://bit.ly/3gzPpdI --- Want to skip ahead? Introduction: 0:00 Step 1: Identification: 0:44 Step 2: Inspection: 2:36 Step 3: Treatment: 3:47 Step 4: Prevention: 6:04 --- Depending on the type of disease or fungus, you may see different symptoms: the grass could turn yellow, brown patches can form, patches of grass may lose color and take a sunken appearance, individual grass blades can form spots or holes, fungal threads or mushrooms can grow, or any other abnormality in appearance can signal that lawn disease has taken over. It’s not uncommon to mistake lawn disease for damage left behind by turf pests, stress caused by environmental or climate conditions, or improper lawn maintenance, and that’s why it’s important to be able to identify what you’re dealing with. After confirming lawn fungus or disease development, you’ll need to pinpoint the areas where the disease has taken hold and analyze the lawn conditions that may be helping the fungus to thrive. Inspect areas where your grass is under stress, and also inspect your garden and ornamental plants for signs of disease as well. As you inspect these areas of turf, your garden plants, and your ornamentals, look for any symptoms of disease. These can vary from discoloration to mold, to the appearance of mushrooms. Anything that seems off or unhealthy about a plant should be noted. To treat and control a lawn disease or fungus developing on your lawn, you’ll need to use a fungicide that’s labeled for your specific lawn disease or fungus. For most lawn diseases and fungi, we recommend you use Patch Pro Fungicide. Patch Pro is a systemic fungicide that contains the active ingredient Propiconazole and is designed to get rid of a broad spectrum of harmful and unsightly diseases on plants and lawns. If you’re actively dealing with a lawn fungus or disease, you’ll apply your pesticide directly to affected areas. With Patch Pro, you can also use it preventively and broadcast it over your entire lawn as well. Depending on the disease you’re treating, you’ll mix Patch Pro at a rate between 0.5 to 4.0 whole fluid ounces per 1,000 square feet. Preventive applications of lawn fungus treatment should be made when environmental conditions are conducive to fungal disease development. Additionally, deeply water your lawn with at least 1 inch of water once a week in the morning, and mow your lawn tall to a height of about 4 to 4 inches. These things, when done properly, will drive your grass’ roots deeper into the soil, strengthening your turf and keeping it healthy to fight off disease. Click the link to learn more about lawn disease & fungi and shop the professional-grade products featured in this video! http://bit.ly/Lawn-Fungus-And-Disease... Thanks for watching! #diypestcontrol #solutionspestandlawn #lawnfungus