22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mass in English   Sunday, August 30, 2020

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mass in English Sunday, August 30, 2020

6 pm Saturday Vigil Mass in English, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Durham, NC Worship Aid for Sunday (and Saturday vigil) Mass: http://www.icdurham.org/uploads/1/2/6... For more information on public presence at the parish visit: http://www.icdurham.org/public-presen.... Visit http://bit.ly/ICDMass to reserve a spot at Mass next weekend (tickets become available on Mondays for the next weekend) OFFERTORY Many thanks to all who have maintained your financial support of our parish. Your donations make ministry at our Church possible every day of the year! Please take a moment to make your gift to Immaculate Conception Church: • Text any amount to 919-584-8030 • Visit http://www.icdurham.org/ and click on “Donate Now” or visit https://bit.ly/ICDurhamNewQuickGive or bit.ly/ICDonateNow • Mail your check to the Parish Office Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 901 W Chapel Hill Street Durham, NC 27701 For more information, visit http://www.icdurham.org/ or read our weekly bulletin at http://www.icdurham.org/bulletin.html