Why nobody believes the Family Scapegoat - Narcissistic Mother

Why nobody believes the Family Scapegoat - Narcissistic Mother

In this video, I explain 3 reasons why nobody believes the scapegoat in a narcissistic toxic family system. In a dysfunctional family unit, the scapegoat child is burdened with toxic shame through the narcissistic parent using smear campaigns and gaslighting. People come to see the scapegoat as the problem and pillory the scapegoat due to the toxic myth of family. Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:07 Smear campaign 00:40 Gaslighting 01:28 Toxic myth (toxic family) #scapegoat #narcissisticmother #familyscapegoat _____ MY BACKSTORY: This Youtube channel is dedicated to helping survivors. I’m sharing my journey of recovery from family scapegoating and toxic family dynamics (toxic family system) I married a pathological narcissist who was later diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). He used lovebombing and since I was love bombed, I failed to notice the red flags of dating a narcissist. He showed his true narcissistic traits after we were married. It was very difficult to leave. My narcissistic husband subjected me to psychological abuse, emotional abuse and domestic violence. I left my violent husband 7 times but took him back 6 times because it was difficult to break the cycle of abuse. Eventually, I had enough of my abusive marriage and finally divorced my narcissistic husband. He pled guilty to domestic violence offences and I began to recover from narcissistic abuse. I broke the cycle of abuse, never returning to domestic violence again. People often asked me why I kept returning to domestic abuse, and for a long time I found it difficult to explain. However, eventually my therapist helped me see that I had gone into adulthood with very poor boundaries since my highly narcissistic mother used gaslighting to violate my boundaries. I became the family scapegoat but even when I became aware that my mother is a narcissist, I found it difficult to walk away. I know how difficult it is to recover from narcissistic abuse, domestic abuse and family scapegoat abuse. I had low self-esteem the negative messaging from my narcissist mother led me to internalise unhealthy messages that led me to have negative core beliefs. I showed signs of a dysregulated nervous system (C-PTSD), and was diagnosed with depression and agoraphobia. As part of my healing and recovery, I have used use the following trauma therapy methods: Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) / traditional counselling Eye movement desensitization and reprogramming (EMDR) Hypnosis downloads (Hypnotherapy developed by Mark Tyrrel) Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) Somatic Experiencing (SE) developed by Dr Peter Levine and praised by Dr Gabor Mate Somatic movement Sleep affirmations Journalling prompts / self-reflection Shadow work (Carl Jung) Guided meditations (Dr. Joe Dispenza) _______ Voiceovers: I have used a voice-over in this video to protect the privacy of my extended family, many of whom have also experienced abuse. _______ IMPORTANT SAFETY MESSAGE: Remember, abuse isn’t always physical and can happen to men or women. Leaving an abusive relationship can increase your risk of harm so make sure to contact your local police if you need help getting out safely. This video isn’t intended to replace therapy, so if you’re struggling then please reach out for help because you don’t need to go it alone. You can talk to a wise friend, contact a support hotline, or call an ambulance. The information given in this video is general in nature and is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any illness, including mental illness, and it is not intended to replace counselling, advice and/or treatment from a registered practitioner of any profession. If experiencing difficulties, you should speak to a professional and in an emergency please go to an emergency room or call your local emergency number.