The Mandalorian 3x05 "Chapter 21: The Pirate" - reaction & review

The Mandalorian 3x05 "Chapter 21: The Pirate" - reaction & review

Support me on Patreon:   / kamenriderhime   Backup Channel:    / @himechan9172   Hey everyone! Here it is - my reaction to episode 5 of the third season of The Mandalorian!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! THE CAMEO!!!!!!! THE CAMEOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still in shock!! This was such a great ep with lots of things being set into motion towards what I'm guessing is going to be the main plot of the season. The fight scenes on Navarro were epic and I'm thrilled that Mandalore might be reunited once again! Bo Katan is really coming into her role as a leader of Mandalore for sure. Probably not how she thought she would, but still mega important! Cannot wait for more! Great ep! Enjoy! ~ MH