Roast Beef with Mushroom Sauce (or Beef in Mushroom Sauce) my version | Alice Wonder Kitchen

Roast Beef with Mushroom Sauce (or Beef in Mushroom Sauce) my version | Alice Wonder Kitchen

Hello Cooking Mommies and Daddies! I am Alice Gomez of Alicia's Catering Services. I have more than 40 years of cooking experience. Allow me to share with you the recipes I have learned over the years. Meals that are loved by my customers and loved ones. In this video, I am going to share with you my own version of Roast Beef with Mushroom Sauce and Mashed Potato on the side. Ingredients Beef (preferably the chuck part or kalitiran in tagalog) Worcestershire Sauce Pepper Corn Laurel Rose Mary Water Salt (Sauce) Butter Flour Campbell Soup (Mushroom and Chicken) Beef Stock Mushroom (Mashed Potato) Potatoes Fresh Milk Butter Cheeze Quick Melt Salt