What I Eat In a Day for Maximum Weight Loss at 54!| Plant Based| Starch Solution| Vegan
Losing weight in our 40s, 50s, and beyond doesn't feel easy! I've lost 24.7 lbs so far following a whole food plant based lifestyle keeping my meals super simple, eating high carb, low-fat and loving it! I also include how I make my sorbet that I eat almost every evening for dessert, absolutely delicious!!! Healthy food does not have to be so complicated and neither does weight loss! Eating foods that are nourishing and delicious help support living a healthy, vibrant, energetic life! I've been inspired to get healthy and take the excess weight off at 54-years-young following a whole food plant-based, high starch (carbohydrate), low-fat lifestyle as recommended by Dr. John McDougall in his book The Starch Solution. If you find value in this video, please hit the LIKE button and consider SUBSCRIBING!!! My mission is to build a community of support and inspiration for other Starchy Sisters (and Brothers😊) wanting to live their most healthy, vibrant life following a plant-based lifestyle 🌿💜🌿