Let's Speak Korean S1Ep110 무서워하지 마. Don't be scared

Let's Speak Korean S1Ep110 무서워하지 마. Don't be scared

무서워하지 마 Don't be scared Let's Do It!! Let's Do It!! - A: 정말 안 무섭지? - B: 하나도 안 무서워 무서워하지 마 It really doesn't hurt, does it? Don't be scared, it doesn't hurt at all Wrap It Up! Stephen : 정말 안 아프지요? Lisa : 무서워하지 마세요 하나도 안 아파요 Stephen : 정말 안 아프지요? Lisa : 다 끝났어요 눈 뜨세요! It really doesn't hurt, does it? Don't be scared, it doesn't hurt at all It really doesn't hurt, does it? It's all over Open your eyes