I Ran Every Day For 30 Days And This Is What Happened..
Welcome to It's OK to talk! Here we talk about lots of interesting things.. (To me, anyway) These things can include addiction to alcohol and binge drinking, marijuana/cannabis/weed addiction, addiction to sugar, processed food and binge eating, addiction to pornography and social media, dealing with depression, anxiety and panic attacks, men's mental health, personal accountability, the benefits of physical exercise and maintaining a healthy diet, challenging yourself daily both physically and mentally and much, much more. In this particular video I talk about my experience running every day for 30 days and what happened. Join the community and become a channel member to receive exclusive perks including early access to future videos! / @itsoktotalk Support this channel by supporting Major Key Physiques, our channel sponsor! https://www.majorkeyphysiques.com/ 1 mile PB: 6:48 (Treadmill) 5km PB: 23:35 (Outdoor) 7km PB: 37:38 (Outdoor) 8km PB: 41:15 (Treadmill) 9km PB: 46:12 (Treadmill) 10km PB: 50:59 (Treadmill) / strava Channel Hashtags: #30daychallenge #30dayschallenge #running #run #jogging #runningtips #howtorunfaster #runner #runningmotivation #longdistancerunning #sprinting #crosscountry #marathon #strava #ultramarathon Channel Keywords & Phrases: How to run faster, how to run more efficiently, how to run properly, 30 days of running, running every day for 30 days, running everyday for 30 days, i ran every day for a month, i ran everyday for 30 days, couch to 5k, running tips, running my first marathon, running my first ultramarathon, marathon tips, ultramarathon tips, how to run a marathon, how to run a 10k, how to run a 5k, best running shoes, running shoe review, 6 minute mile, 4 hour marathon, david goggins, mental health, addiction