Kyrie Eleison | Glory to God | Gospel Acclamation | 09.15.24 | TLC@38 Sunday English Mass | TLC Doha
The Lord's Choir - Qatar sa ika-38 Anibersaryo na may temang: Pag-ibig at pananalig sa Diyos, manatili kailan pa man. @tlclordschoirdohaqatar7754 Mass Presider: H.E. Bishop Aldo Berardi, O.SS.T. Musicians: Michael Ajero, Michael Mission KYRIE ELEISON Lord, Have Mercy Arranged by: Dexter de Lara Tumang GLORY TO GOD Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; Dan Schutte Daniel L. Schutte GOSPEL ACCLAMATION “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world..” For Choir reference only. No copyright infringement intended. #tlc_doha #TheLordsChoir #tagalogmass #englishmass #tagalogmassqatar #englishmassqatar #filipinochoir