Custard Tart with pine nuts - Grandma's pie (Torta della nonna)
Recipe: Ingredients for the shortcrust pastry Flour 300 gr. Salt 1 pinch Butter 150 gr. Sugar 100 gr. 1 medium egg grated lemon zest For the custard preparation, please refer to our video: "Custard (Crema Pasticcera). The basic preparation of the pastry art and a delicious spoon dessert." (Search "Custard" in Vita Living TV , or at the end of this video, click the link to Custard video.) Custard Tart with pine nuts, procedure: In a planetary mixer (or by hand in a bowl) make a shortcrust dough. Put in the mixer bowl, flour, sugar, lemon grated zast and the egg, add butter in pieces (better if cold). Start mixing with "K shape" tool. Finish the dough using the hook tool. Take out the dough from the bowl and wrap it in a trasparent film. Put in the fridge for 30 mins. After the time has passed, take out the dough from the fridge and start to roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Wrap the flattend dough on the rolling pin and put over the round oven pan. Cut the excess dough and adjust well the borders. Prick the dough with a fork in many points. Put the pine nuts to toast in a small pan. Pour the custard over the pie, and spread it well. Sprinkle the pine nuts over the custard, and press them lightly to make them stick. Cut some stripes of the dough with a knurled wheel, arrange them over the pie as in the video. Fold the edges of the dough all around the pie. Put in the oven at 180° for around 50 mins. The custard tart is ready! Serve as dessert or whenever you want! Music: Jazz Brunch by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/3937-jazz-b... License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license #VitaLivingTV #ItalianCuisine #CustardTartWithPineNuts