Median Nerve Injury | Coarse | Causes | Symptoms | Medical lectures

Median Nerve Injury | Coarse | Causes | Symptoms | Medical lectures

The median nerve plays a crucial role in hand and forearm function, and injury to it can cause pain, weakness, and numbness. In this video, we’ll explore the anatomy of the median nerve, the conditions that lead to injury such as carpal tunnel syndrome or pronator teres syndrome. If you're experiencing hand or wrist discomfort, this video can help you understand the condition better. Instagram- Median nerve injury Causes of median nerve injury Sign and symptoms of median nerve injury Median nerve injury physiotherapy Median nerve injury in hindi Carpal tunnel syndrome Median nerve clinical anatomy Median nerve coarse Carpal tunnel syndrome anatomy #physioshealingtouch #mediannerve #anatomy #carpaltunnelsyndrome #medicalstudent