Today's stretch routine is focused on release for stress and anxiety. We hold so much tension and stress in the body so these beginner friendly stretches is super important for letting go. We're holding each stretch for 40 sec with a quick transition between and some deep breathing at the end for inner peace. It's the perfect stretch to do before bed to release built up tension in the body or to wake up first thing in the morning. Hope you love it and as always let me know what you'd like to see in the next one! Most importantly, listen to YOUR body and what will serve YOU best as you follow along and always modify when needed. I am so proud of you for showing up. Comment below what you’d like to see next and I will see you on the mat! GET MY SET💚 https://koshafit.com/products/shakti-... https://koshafit.com/products/shakti-... Follow me: instagram.com/jordanartman tiktok.com/@jordanartman My fitness brand (use code “YOUTUBE20” at checkout to save🛒): https://koshafit.com instagram.com/koshafit tiktok.com/@koshafit MY JOURNAL: Amazon Prime Link: https://amzn.to/3qkbdBQ Kosha Fit Website Link: https://koshafit.com/products/daily-a... YOGA MAT I USE: https://amzn.to/3vlRcwO TODAY’S STRETCHES: Wide Legged Child’s Pose, Puppy Pose, Cat/Cow, Hip Circles, Wide Legged Forward Fold, Happy Baby, Supine Butterfly, Rockers, Deep Belly Breathing CHAPTERS: 00:00 - Intro 00:17 - Wide Legged Child’s Pose 01:08 - Puppy Pose 01:57 - Cat/Cow 02:47 - Hip Circles 03:30 - Wide Legged Forward Fold 04:30- Happy Baby 05:18 - Supine Butterfly 06:06 - Rockers 07:01 - Deep Belly Breathing TAGS: Yoga for Stress and Anxiety Relief, Standing Stretches for Stress Relief, Beginner-Friendly Yoga for Anxiety, Stress Relief Yoga, Easy Standing Stretches for Anxiety, Standing Yoga for Mental Calm, Gentle Stress Relief Stretching Routine, Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress and Anxiety, Simple Yoga Sequence for Anxiety Relief, Yoga for Emotional Well-being, Standing Yoga Flow for Stress Reduction, Beginner Yoga Exercises for Stress and Anxiety, Yoga Moves for Mental Comfort, Stress Relief Stretching Routine ............................................................................................................................. Watch my other videos:    • After Work Yoga Stretch Routine - Low...      • 8 MIN BLOATING STRETCHES - Stomach Pa...      • 9 MIN UPPER BACK & NECK STRETCHES / B...   --- DISCLAIMER: Prioritize your health and safety when engaging in this or any workout videos. By participating in any exercise or program, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk. This channel provides health, fitness, and nutritional information but is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Jordan Artman is not responsible for any injury or harm that may arise as a result of using this video.