Play THIS Phrase for ONE Month  - STOP Sounding Like a Beginner!

Play THIS Phrase for ONE Month - STOP Sounding Like a Beginner!

Visit my Patreon for Part Two of this Lesson:   / creativeguitarstudio   Join the Members Area for more high-quality lessons: ______________________________________ If you are looking to improve your guitar playing so that you sound less like a "beginner" guitarist and more like a seasoned axe wielder, then this will be a must watch video for you. When it comes to playing well executed guitar lines, the study of learning to "musically phrase," (both scales and chords) cannot be overlooked. The fastest and most efficient path to great musical phrasing is to learn more about, "phrasing devices." The greater the skill that you have for all of the technical and rhythm based phrasing devices, the more likely that it is you will be able to play smoother and more well connected melodic lines. When I’m correcting a guitar students musical phrasing there are a few things I will look at. How is the students technical skill, and how is their ability to manipulate rhythm duration? A common flaw is that a student will have very limited ability for phrasing devices (technical skill), and they will have a general weakness with their knowledge of rhythm duration. In the case of both these weaknesses, the guitar student attempts every phrase in the same way, causing their guitar playing to sound very limited, like a beginner. Andrew Wasson (Creative Guitar Studio Inc.) --------------------------------------------------------------- My OTHER YOUTUBE CHANNEL:    / guitarblogupdate   ___________________________________ TWITTER FEED:   / andrewwasson   Facebook Fan Page:   / 76585035288   __________________________________ OFFICIAL Creative Guitar Studio Products Website: ___________________________________ ANDREW WASSON - Personal Website: (FREE Guitar Handouts) ___________________________________