Our Sunday, July 16th, 2023 Service
00:00 - Announcements 03:30 - The Order of Confession and Forgiveness 04:55 - The Gathering Song - Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty 08:02 - Greeting, Kyrie, Gloria and The Prayer of the Day 12:25 - First Reading - Isah 55:10-13 13:23 - The Psalm of the Day - Psalm 65:1-13 15:26 - The Second Reading - Romans 8:1-11 17:08 - The Gospel - Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 and Hymn Sing 39:52 - Hymn of the Day - For the Fruit of All Creation 42:00 - The Apostles’ Creed 43:06 - The Prayers of Intercession and The Peace 46:30 - The Offertory Song, The Lord’s Prayer, Closing Prayer and Blessing 50:31 - The Sending Song - Almighty God Your Word is Cast