32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - 6 November 2021, 5.30pm Mass
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - 6 November 2021, 5.30pm Mass Homily Preached by Rev Fr Ignatius Yeo ► Advent Family Retreat This advent, begin a time of prayer and spiritual sharing with your family. Each night at 8pm, spend 1/2 an hour with your family reflecting on Mother Mary from her immaculate conception to her queenship in Heaven. To learn more about the Adoracion de Jesus ministry, please visit their webpage at http://saint-anthony.org/prayer/adora... Register at http://www.bit.ly/33FamilyRetreat ► Prayer for your Departed Love Ones Send in your prayer intentions to offer up during masses in November by picking up an envelope and returning them before November. Alternatively, you may visit the link to offer up your intentions. https://tinyurl.com/CSAnov2021 ► Catechism Registration Registration is now open for Level 1 (Primary 1) only, from 1st October 2021 to 26 November 2021. Please register at: mycatholic.sg ► Infant Baptism in December Infant baptism at 11am on 4th December 2021. Parents who would like to have their newborns baptised, contact Peter Wong at [email protected]. ► Advent and Christmas Reflection e-Booklet Use the reflection e-booklet to journey with you throughout Advent and Christmas. The reflection theme for Advent is “The Promised Word” and for Christmas is “Word Made Flesh”. Available in English, Chinese and Tamil. Download the e-booklet using the link: https://one.org.sg/resources/ ► Catechism for Pre-Schoolers Registration open for 2022 Catechism for Preschoolers (4yrs old). Conducted by Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS). New intake for 2022 for children born in 2018 (turning 4yrs old in 2022). This is a 3-years journey where our little ones will learn about their faith in a prepared environment. Limited spaces, so hurry, register at: https://tinyurl.com/CGSregistration2022 ► Current day's readings are accessible at • Website - https://www.catholic.sg/mass-readings • Mobile App - https://app.catholic.sg/ ► Nightly Rosary (ZOOM platform) Meeting ID: 829 3599 0709 ► Columbarium Visit: https://tinyurl.com/columbariumvisit Resuming from 20th Sept. ► Parish news and Announcement: http://saint-anthony.org/bulletin/ ► Weekday Online Masses (Wednesday and Friday) on ZOOM: Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/csa-masses mtg ID: 976 9697 0379 PW: csa_zoom ► OFFERTORY/CONTRIBUTIONS/MASS INTENTIONS Please send the mass intentions through email. State clearly the name, intention, date of the mass and requester contact number. Mass offering is $10 per name and per Mass. For the mass stipends, please use PayNow, and the "Reference" please key in “Mass Stipend – Name of Requester”. Send a screenshot with the email if possible for easy reference. Email for Mass Intentions: [email protected] PayNow: Step 1: Select Pay & Transfer - PayNow Step 2: Select UEN - Key in Parish UEN # T08CC4040D Step 3: Check Name - Church of St Anthony Step 4: Key in the amount Step 5: Key in the reference "Mass Stipend - Name of Requester" #pentecost #catholicmasstoday #catholicmass #catholicwebcast #catholiclivestream #catholicprayers #catholiclive #Jesus #catholic #catholicsg #proud2bcatholic #churchofStanthony #CSA N.B. This video may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission from the Church of St Anthony Parish Office. This includes extracts, quotations or summaries.