2021-04-04, Easter Sunday, 9am -- edited
Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, 9 a.m. -- edited (all music public domain unless otherwise noted) Invocation, Entrance Rite Processional Hymn "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today; Alleluia" LSB 463 Confession and Absolution, Salutation and Prayer of the Day Hymn of Praise "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" LSB 457 Psalmody Psalm 16 Old Testament Reading Isaiah 25:6-9 Epistle Reading 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Holy Gospel Mark 16:1-8 Confession of Our Faith (Nicene Creed) Hymn of the Day "At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing" LSB 633 Sermon "Easter Beginnings" with Vicar Lesley Chen (Text Mark 16:1-8) Prayer of the Church, Preface, Proper Preface Sanctus LSB 208 Prayer of Thanksgiving, Words of Our Lord, Proclamation of Christ, Lord's Prayer, Pax Domini Agnus Dei LSB 210 Distribution Hymns "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" LSB 461 "Our Paschal Lamb, That Sets Us Free" LSB 473 (copyright 1974 Augsburg Publishing House; used by permission LSB Hymn License) "Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen" LSB 474 (text copyright 1995 Augsburg Fortress; tune copyright 1968 Augsburg Publishing House; used by permission LSB Hymn License) "Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord" LSB 637 "What Is This Bread" LSB 629 (copyright 1991 Fred and Jean Baue; used by permission LSB Hymn License) Post-Communion Thanksgiving, Benediction, Dismissal Closing Hymn "Alleluia! Sing to Jesus" LSB 821 Immanuel Lutheran Church LCMS Everett, WA 98201 425-252-7038 www.ImmanuelEverett.org