किडनी के मरीज़ कौन सी सब्जियां खाये और कौन सी नहीं | Vegeables to Eat and Avoid for Kidney Patients

किडनी के मरीज़ कौन सी सब्जियां खाये और कौन सी नहीं | Vegeables to Eat and Avoid for Kidney Patients

किडनी के मरीज़ कौन सी सब्जियां खाये और कौन सी नहीं | Vegeables to Eat and Avoid for Kidney Patients You may need to make changes to your diet when you have chronic kidney disease (CKD). These changes may include limiting fluids, eating a low-protein diet, limiting salt, potassium, phosphorous, and other electrolytes, and getting enough calories if you are losing weight. The purpose of this diet is to keep the levels of electrolytes, minerals, and fluid in your body balanced when you have CKD or are on dialysis. People on dialysis need this special diet to limit the buildup of waste products in the body. Limiting fluids between dialysis treatments is very important because most people on dialysis urinate very little. Without urination, fluid will build up in the body and cause too much fluid in the heart and lungs. #kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #diet #viral