Zombie Army 4 | Zombie Zoo Chapter 1 | Brutal Nightmare Solo

Zombie Army 4 | Zombie Zoo Chapter 1 | Brutal Nightmare Solo

Zombie Zoo Chapter 1 (Trouble at the Zoo) on Brutal Nightmare difficulty! Setup Guns: Big Joe, Sten MK 2, Webley MKVI Perks: Second Chance, Enhanced Vigour, Rejuvenation, Hardened, Takedown Frequency The last part with the blood fountain was really tough and took me slightly over an hour of attempts to get through. The strategy I used was to try and push the commanders all to 1 side using the divine hammer and make use of the fountain to block their line of sight while kiting the zombies on the opposite side. Though the commanders do seem to reposition themselves from time to time. Since we are not too focused on sniping, I think Jun will be a better option since she is faster and uses less stamina which is needed to kite the zombies around the blood fountain, or Werner for more healing. In the first few sections, try to keep your "Second Chance" perk for the final blood fountain. There are medical zombie spawns throughout so use medkits for self-revive or restart from checkpoints to try again. Big Joe is useful for crowd control with the electrified projectiles to clear the zombies, and divine projectiles to control the raged zombies and to provide some healing. This also helps us get enough kills for takedowns to restore health and ammo as you won't have time to get ammo from the crate. Sten MK 2 with super headshot rounds to clear elites quickly which spawns intermittently. And we have a Wembley to take down Commanders with the explosive shots. On hindsight I didn't really use the Wembley very effectively, so it could potentially be swapped for something else. Note that the video is spliced as I played through the chapter over a couple days and have also reset at checkpoints if I went down to save the "second chance" for the final area. Time Stamps: Part 1 - 0:00 Part 2 - 8:55 Part 3 - 14:20 Part 4 - 23:15 Part 5 - 37:00