ZOMBIE ZOO Chapter 1: Trouble at the Zoo (Nightmare) -- Zombie Army 4: Dead War

ZOMBIE ZOO Chapter 1: Trouble at the Zoo (Nightmare) -- Zombie Army 4: Dead War

That has to be my highest combo that I have ever achieved in this game. "Nightmare" mode... What an apt name. Seriously this mode is insanely ridiculous. What's equally ridiculous is how this is just a silver trophy rank on PlayStation. Should've been a gold one instead. Anyway, I would technically say that this is my second attempt at this chapter within this mission because the first time I went through it, I had the "Combo King" Perk equipped. Truthfully, I just wanted an excuse to level it up one final time. And when I did, I kept going. That was rather foolish of me, to be honest. That perk really did nothing for me. Because at the very end of this chapter, the 'final fight' was absolute hell, even after the numerous times I tried to change up my strategy. So, I restarted it, chose some different perks and went back to work. Turns out it was still stupidly tough, but I definitely stood a better chance at making it through this nightmare. I had no intentions for this to be a guide but just in case anyone is interested, I used Jun for her Brain Buster ability. (And since I wanted to go through the campaign listening to another legacy character from the original Zombie Army Trilogy, I used Marie Chevalier's voice.) I had the following perks for my updated loadout: (Mind you, these perks are maxed out to gold level) Second Chance: Get up to 2 chances to revive when killing an enemy while downed. Brain Buster: Increases the total number of targets to 6. Hardened: Greatly reduce incoming melee damage. Bulletproof: Greatly reduce incoming bullet damage. Brain Buster Frequency: 3 less kills required for Brain Buster. #ZombieArmy #ZombieArmy4 #DeadWar LINKS: TWITCH:   / lady_nexus   https://store.playstation.com/#!/tid=...