Silent Hill 2 Remake | Full Playthrough Part 2 | Hard | Melee Only | Fight no Flight
In the previous part i reached 5000 characters and could write no more, so AS I WAS SAYING YOUTUBE, at 43:56 of Part 1 you can see a very distinct figure that is connected to James drawn on the paper with blood by that dead person. I can interpret the fact that this person could see that figure in two ways: 1) That dead person may be very very familiar, suspiciously familiar 2) That dead person drew what he was seeing on the paper, and James sees his own version of that based on his own mind and subconsciousness. Just speculations. In this part: At 00:28 you can see the number 201, for the first time i think, you are gonna be seeing this number over and over throughout the game, like a subliminal message. I just noticed that in this playthrough. At 06:13 there is a strange photo on the road on the left of the Woodside Apartments, again James is looking at it, but i don't look at James' head, i am such a good player omg. 18:56 the only "flight" in this playthrough, there is really no reason to kill any of these laying figures, especially fighting three at the same time, our job here is done, moving on to Woodside Appartments. At 20:23 i noticed for the first time that all the clocks in the game, except from one i think, have stopped at this exact same time, 9:10:15. We will see this time soon. 46:34 This mannequin was cursed af, i panic dodged there thanks to hearing the lying figure as well, but my hits did not want to connect lol. At 50:39 we have nine squares, nine, remember that.