Silent Hill 2 Remake | Full Playthrough Part 3 | Hard | Melee Only | Fight no Flight
At 00:59 i notice a hopscotch drawn on the floor, where you start at Hell, and with nine steps you get to Heaven, nine steps. 04:49 yes i time travelled, back in time, because i died while trying to take on three lying figures at the same time, because all three of them spotted me in the pool. Actually only one saw me, screamed, and the boys joined him. 12:29 James needed a cigarette after seeing all these feet. At 21:11 and 22:29 i always see some short of "different outcomes", one of my favourite details. Maybe in woodside apartments James attacked Pyramid Head out of fear and because he wasn't able to face him yet, and in the other side Pyramid Head was the one who struck. At 26:19 there are moths at the door with the letter "M", like Mary. I am really sorry about the abrupt ending, there recording ended there. As you can see i am not pointing out everything, only some things i noticed for the first time, or that i had to share. I forgot to mention this on Part 1 and 2, but i am not really planning to make a proper youtube channel with videos and stuff, apart from this playthrough, at least not for now. If anyone wants to see something specific, a monster tutorial or something i don't know, i will see what i can do, but generally speaking this is not a proper channel, or a channel dedicated to Silent Hill content. Therefore if anyone gets the funny idea to subscribe, please think again xD. There is no reason to subscribe to me, as i don't have anything to offer. Maybe do so so that you will be getting a notification whenever the next part comes out, but other than that there is no need to support the "channel", it is not like i will be making a profit or anything like that. Now if someone wants to subscribe anyway then go ahead i dare you. It is not like i will be bothering anyone with upload notifications after the playthrough is done xD, at least for now. Liking a video i think shows youtube what you like; and you might get relevant content recommended; i think that's how it works around here, so it might help you find similar stuff, but simply keeping the video in your history tells youtube what kind of content to throw in your feed. All that IF anyone ever finds these in the vast abysmal void called internet, who knows i might just be talking to myself, years will pass without a single notification popping up on one of my videos, no one will ever even know i posted these, only i will know while eagerly waiting to get a like or a comment that shows that someone actually found them. The thought of never being discovered, as if the videos never existed, completely lost and covered by petabytes of other people's content, it is just me here talking alone in my quiet room, seeing my thoughts take form on my screen, the earth keeps spinning, sun is shining bright, the wind gently offers life and movement to motionless plants outside the window. Ah yes, some existential doubt and the need to be heard, is there a better way to end a description. These are fun, cheers!