Mary Magdalene Feast Day 2023 07 22
Heed your inner calling to listen to this replay of a celebration of the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene You'll journey into the heart of this extraordinary woman who embodied resilience, strength, and unconditional love. We restore her to her rightful place of respect, celebrate her true essence - not as a misunderstood historical figure, but as the divine human she truly represents. Listen to a reading of an excerpt from my forthcoming book, partake in timelessness in a connecting ritual, and learn about of helpful resources about Mary. This replay can elevate your consciousness, and link you with Mary Magdalene. Don't miss your opportunity to relate with our collective feminine wisdom, to awaken the goddess within, and to illuminate your life with a beacon of strength and love. Listening to the replay of this event with the intention of experiencing the energy of the day could be the catalyst for a further inner awakening that allows you to navigate your life journey with deeper wisdom, love, and courage."