Welcome to Bonita's Kitchen! Today we will be making BLUEBERRY CHEESE CAKE - No Bake!. See recipe below! To view & download the full recipe, please view it here on our website: Ingredients: BOTTOM & TOP 2 Cups graham crackers 1/2 Cup melted butter or margarine BLUEBERRY FILLING 4 Cups blueberries (fresh or frozen) 1/4 Cup cornstarch 1/2 Cup sugar (of choice) 1/2 Cup water CREAM CHEESE FILLING 2- 250g packages of cream cheese 1-1/4 Cups confectionary sugar ( of choice ) 2 Tsp vanilla 1- 1 Lt. tub of cool whip Method for Graham Crust: Place 3/4 of the mixture in the bottom of your 9” springform pan, and a piece of parchment paper cut round for the bottom. Method Blueberry Filling: In a medium saucepan cook blueberries and all ingredients on a medium heat until thicken, then remove from heat and let cool fully. ( Add more cornstarch if not thick enough ) Put 1/4 of the cooked blueberries filling over top of graham crumbs, keeping the rest for alternating layers. Method for Cream Cheese Filling: Mix together in separate bowl cream cheese, sugar and vanilla until smooth, then add cool whip and continue mixing the ingredients together until blended. Then put 1/4 of the cream cheese mixture over the blueberry filling, then alternate between cream cheese filling and blueberry filling, the last layer add the graham crumb mixture to the top. Then refrigerate for a few hours or overnight if you are making it for a special occasion make it the day before. I apologize in advance if anything in this video is not clear or miss read, please follow my recipe when making this dish. Thank you for watching Bonita's Kitchen, and don't forget to subscribe for more Traditional Newfoundland Recipes and Cooking!