Fall Garden Preparations for a Successful Winter Growing Season

Fall Garden Preparations for a Successful Winter Growing Season

For many Growing Dome gardeners, growing crops all winter is a new concept. Learning how to navigate seasonal changes and what to consider can be challenging. This guide goes over some of the basics of what to do this fall to make sure that your garden thrives all winter long! FREE Planting Planner Download: https://growingspaces.com/greenhouse-... Sign up for "The Happy Grower" monthly newsletter: https://growingspaces.com/newsletter-... Get started on your dream greenhouse by building a custom quote! https://shop.growingspaces.com/?utm_s... Connect with a Growing Dome Adviser https://growingspaces.com/get-started... 0:00-0:20 Intro 0:21-2:18 Do I need to amend my garden soil? 2:19-5:06 What grows best in winter? 5:08-7:15 Succession Planting 7:17-8:07 What if I didn't get started yet? 8:09-9:34 Other considerations 9:34-10:19 Close