From the Sanctuary: Our Sunday Service for September 26th, 2021; the 18th Sunday after Pentecost.
Our Sunday morning worship service presented live from the Sanctuary with our first small congregation present for September 26th, 2021, the 18th Sunday after Pentecost. Participants: Rev. Jennifer Canning. Music: Deborah Park, assisted vocally by Janet Crook, Brian Smith, John Lavery and Rev. Jennifer, with Vicki Bochsler on flute. During the Prelude: Deborah Park, Piano. During the Anthem: Virtual Fairview Chorus with Kevin Williams on trumpet. During the Offering music: Deborah Park, Piano. During the Postlude: Deborah Park, Piano. PowerPoint: Les Attwood. Technical Support: Les Attwood. Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE under license # A-711076 and/or CCLI under license #2023900 and/or Deborah Park.