[4K] Are there two Maae Samjonbul (three Buddhas) in Baekje? 백제시대 마애삼존불이 두 개라고? 태을암과 태안마애삼존불을 찾아서
안녕하세요 탐험가분들 가보생(가서 보고 생각해)입니다 서산 태안 지역의 마애삼존불이 두 개라는데, 그 비밀을 찾아서 떠나 볼까요? 우선 첫 번째로 태안의 백화산에 위치해 있는 태을암 부처의 배치 위치가 기존 양식과 다른 백제시대의 태안마애삼존불 태을암과 태안마애삼존불은 어떤 이야기를 가지고 있는지 만나봐요 한 번쯤 가보았지만, 스쳐 지나쳐가서 기억이 가물가물하거나 자세히 보지 못한 것들 가고 싶지만, 사정상 가지 못한 곳의 역사, 유래, 이야기 등을 영상을 통해 쉽게 알려드리도록 하겠습니다 즐겁고 재미있게 보셨다면, 구독, 좋아요 잊지마세요 영상보시는 분들 행복하시길 ========= 음악 ========= Track : Love in Italy Music by 브금대통령 Music provided by 브금대통령 Watch : BGM Track - Yannic :: 새벽소설(NightTale) YouTube - 나눔뮤직 - BGM Track - The Inspiration - Inspiring Cinematic Music Soundcloud - 나눔뮤직 - Music provided by 브금대통령 Track : 맛있다 달고나커피 - Track : Piece Of Cake Music by 브금대통령 Music provided by 브금대통령 Watch : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go See Think my exlporer friend in the world, I am Gabosaeng(korean) - Go See Think(English) Taeulam, is located in Baekhwa, situated in Taean The location of the Buddha is different from the existing style, of Taean Maae Samjonbul of the Baekje period It is not well known, but it should be seen at once What story will Taeulam and Taean Maae Samjonbul leave with? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taeulam Building Period : unknown History : There is a theory that Taeulam originated from Taeilijeon, which enshrined portrait of the deceased Dangun, but there are no records in the history Taean Maae Samjonbul Location : Taean-eup, Taean Building Period : Baekje Dynasty Building Materials : Granite Built in the Baekje Dynasty, Maae Samjonbul(three Buddhas) is inscribed on a rock wall on Mt Baekhwa Unlike other Samjonbul where Buddha is located in the middle with two attending Bodhisattva on his right and left, Taean Maae Samjonbul has a Bodhisattva in the middle with Sakyamuni on his left and Bhaisajyaguru on his right The sculpture style follows the Buddhist statue - making of the Northern Qi Dynasty(China) It is believed to have been established in the 6th Century - information board - ▶ Google Maps : I've been there once, things that have passed and memories have become unfamiliar or have not been seen in detail you want to go, we will make it easy to tell the history, origins, stories, and etc of places you could not go but you wished to go If you enjoyed it, Please subscribe and push the like button I hope those who watch the video will be happy #korea #taean #Taean_Maae_Samjonbul