Vitamin B12: स्वास्थ्य के लिए क्यों है जरूरी? | "Vitamin B12 की कमी के लक्षण और घरेलू इलाज |
Vitamin B12: स्वास्थ्य के लिए क्यों है जरूरी? | "Vitamin B12 की कमी के लक्षण और घरेलू इलाज | #vitaminb12 #cobalmin #vitamin Vitamin B12 is essential for red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis, and nerve health, primarily found in animal products, with supplements and fortified foods helping to prevent deficiencies. Video link:- • भूख, वजन और ताकत बढ़ाने वाली होम्योपै... Do subscribe our channel and visit youtube Channel link- / @dr.kumarbhanupratap Contact us on - What's app (+91) 9507223324 This video is knowledge purpose only.Please consult your doctor taking any medicine. Dr.Bhanu Pratap M.Sc.BHMS (BRABU) Secretary- National Homoeo Institute & Research Centre Raj Hat Banmankhi Dist - Purnea ( Bihar) Mob.No.9507223324 Dr.Bhanu Pratap a Famous Homoeopathic Physician from Banmankhi Dist -Purnea ( Bihar ) talks about Health,Hygiene, HOMOEOPATHIC awareness Programe, Homoeopathic Medical Free Camp,Counselling,Health Education, HOW TO BECOME & HEALTHY, Homoeopathic Medicine, Emergency Homoeopathic Medicine, Lifestyle related tips & Homoeopathic Treatment For Diseases.DMIT Training For Doctors and Counselor,& Homoeopathic Research. Call For Online Treatment ( Telemedicine Homoeopathic Treatment in Purnea Jay Prakash Sewa Sansthan For Treatment call For Appointment Before CONSULTATION on Mob.9507223324 Dr.Bhanu Pratap Book Appointment WhatsApp No.9507223324 Telemedicine ( Onlone Treatment) 9507223324 For paid online ( Telemedicine ) appointment with our doctor team. Time :8AM to 5PM MOB.7061045851 ABOUT RELATED TOPIC AUDIENCE SEARCH :- vitaminb12 sources of vitamin b12 what foods have vitamin b12 function of vitamin b12 vitamin b12 deficiency vitamin b12 benefits vitamin b12 anemia Cobalmin sources of vitamin b12 natural sources of vitamin b12 vegetarian sources of vitamin b12 plant sources of vitamin b12 natural sources of vitamin b12 for vegetarians sources of vitamin b12 symptoms of deficiency sources of vitamin b12 cobalamin function of vitamin b12 which of the following is a function of vitamin b12 function of vitamin b12 in the body main function of vitamin b12 what is the function of vitamin b12 in your body biochemical function of vitamin b12 major function of vitamin b12 what is the function of vitamin b12 (cobalamin) what's the function of vitamin b12 role of vitamin b12 and folic acid in anemia role of vitamin b12 and folic acid in erythropoiesis role of vitamin b12 and folic acid in dna synthesis #VitaminB12AndWeightLoss #VitaminB12ForHair #EnergyBoostingVitamins #VitaminDeficiency #VitaminB12ForBrain #DailyHealthTips #HealthyHamesha #swamiramdev #drkirtivikramsingh #fittuber @Drkirtivikramsingh @FitTuber @HealthyHamesha @YashHomeopathicCentreJodhpur DISCLAIMER :- Any information on Diseases and Treatment available on this video are for educational and informational purpose only and are not intended as a diagnosis and Treatment or as a substitute9 For Qualified Professional medical advice, diagnosis and Treatment.Please consult Dr.Bhanu Pratap M.Sc.BHMS or other.Health care professional For your specific Health Care and / or other medical needs or concerns or Any information on Diseases and Treatment available on this channel for general guidance only.always seek the adviceof your Physician or other qualified Health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical conditions.our channel shall not be liable for any direct,incidental,consequential indirect or punitive damage arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel. Wishing You Happy and good health. Thanks for watching