영어원서 이렇게 읽고 말하기 _ 레 미제라블_ by Scarlett C 01 (주부영어, 국어선생님)

영어원서 이렇게 읽고 말하기 _ 레 미제라블_ by Scarlett C 01 (주부영어, 국어선생님)

서명: 레 미제라블 저자 빅토로 위고 독자: Scarlett Cho / 40대 / 주부, 국어선생님 만삭의 여인이 밝지만 긴장한 미소를 숨기지 못한 채 북클럽에 들어왔다 시와 희곡을 좋아한단다 열심히 오랫동안 영어를 공부하고 나면 Shakespeare의 원서를 즐길 요량이란다 ‘그러면 평생 못 읽어요! 지금 당장 원서를 집어 들고 세 치 혀로 소리 내어 읽어 보세요 ’ 평생을 일만 해서 비행기를 사야만 영국에 갈수 있단 말인가? 두발로 그냥 떠나면 되는걸! 뱃속의 아기는 어느덧 7살이 되어 엄마의 레 미제라블 원서 낭독을 백색소음으로 매일 흘려듣고 있다 “당신들 나를 몰라보겠소?” 그가 말했다 세 사람은 당황하여 머리를 저어 모른다는 뜻을 표했다 코수파유는 업겹결에 거수경례를 했다 마들렌씨는 배심원들과 판사들 쪽으로 돌아가서 조용한 목소리로 말했다 “배심원님 여러분, 피고를 석방해 주십시오 재판장님, 저를 포박해 주십시오, 당신이 찾고 잇는 사람은 저 사람이 아니라, 저입니다 제가 장 발장입니다 ” ‘Do you not recognize me?’ he asked They shook their heads, staring at him in astonishment The startled Cochepaille gave him a military salute Monsieur Madeleine turned to face the court and said quietly : ‘Gentlemen of the jury, you must acquit the accused I musk ask the court to order my arrest I am the man you are looking for I am Jean Valjean ’ When The time background is very late evening, very dark, many candles are there Where The place background is a court This court is in Aras near by Paris There are many people there Who The main characters are the man, Jean Valjean And another three arrested men A judge and lawyers Prosecutors were there too What The key sentence for this part is that Jean Valjean said the truth Why The reason why I choose this sentence is that Jean Valjean had heard another was arrested instead of him So he got feared and very confused long day, actually long hours And he came to the courts And he looked at many things and just spoke the truth at the court How How the next story will unfold I think many people in the court will not believe him because he is a major of Montreuil-sur-Mer Everybody knew him Q&A He walked forward the front of the court and he spoke, I am Jean Valjean simply? I am guilty or I am Jean Valjean? What was his saying? At first he called just his friends’ names, Brevert, Chenildieu and Cochepaille I want to you to look at me He said at the first After saying the truth Madeleine to all people looking at him, what do you think he feels at that time? I think he actually got peace Peaceful I think Vacant I think a little bit Afraid Because of changeable all things surrounding him, right? Brian Book Club