அதிகாலை ஜெபம் Always Pray First Before You Start Your Day Start Your Day | Morning Prayer in Tamil
Start your day with prayer and watch how God blesses the rest of it! In this video, we explore the power of starting the morning in prayer, following Jesus’ example of seeking solitude with God. Let this prayer fill your heart with peace and protection, trusting God to lead you through every moment. Stay connected to His love and grace today. If this prayer resonates with you, type ‘Amen’ and let us know if we can pray for you. #devanaruliyaappamministry #shortsfeed #tamil #morningprayerintamil #earlymorningprayerintamil #earlymorningprayer #morningprayer #tamilprayer #prayerintamil #todayprayerintamil #shorts #pray #jesusprayerintamil #christianprayer #prayer #அதிகாலைஜெபம் #காலைஜெபம் #ஜெபம்