Live Holy Eucharist | Live Holy Mass @ 6.15am, Wed 22nd March 2023, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road
Live Holy Eucharist | Live Holy Mass at 6.15 am, Wednesday 22nd March, 2023; St. Joseph Church, Mira Road. WEDNESDAY OF THE FOURTH WEEK IN LENT (YEAR – 1) Begins with Mass Intentions at 6.11 am and then the Holy Eucharist at 6.15 am followed by WAY OF THE CROSS READINGS OF THE DAY: 1st Reading: Isaiah 49:8-15; Psalms 145:8-9,13cd-14, 17-18 Gospel John 5:17-30 Resp. The Lord is kind and full of compassion Acclamation: Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus! I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; whoever believes in me will never die. Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus!