금성, 치명적인 매력! - 태양계 시리즈 1탄 [안될과학-긴급과학]
금성이 가지고 있는 치명적인 매력? 궤도가 준비한 태양계 시리즈의 첫번째! 긴급과학에서 한방에 정리해보았습니다! #금성 #태양계 #매리너 #베네라 #파이어니어 4:16 베네라 4호는 5호로, 5호는 6호로 수정합니다 ◆ Thanks to Written and Directed by Orbit Editor: RM BOM Reference: [1]Avduevsky, V S , M Ya Marov, and M K Rozhdestvensky "Model of the atmosphere of the planet Venus based on results of measurements made by the Soviet automatic interplanetary station Venera 4 " Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 25 4 (1968): 537-545 [2]Avduevsky, V S , M Ya Marov, and M K Rozhdestvensky "A tentative model of the Venus atmosphere based on the measurements of Veneras 5 and 6 " Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 27 4 (1970): 561-568 [3]London, J "Pioneer Venus-A first report " Sky and Telescope 57 (1979): 119-123 [4]Seiff, Alvin, et al "Structure of the atmosphere of Venus up to 110 kilometers: Preliminary results from the four Pioneer Venus entry probes " Science 203 4382 (1979): 787-790 [5]Colin, Lawrence "The pioneer Venus program " Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 85 A13 (1980): 7575-7598 [6]Huntress Jr, Wesley T "Solar system exploration in the 1990's and beyond " (1991) [7]Hubert, Benoît, et al "UVIS observations of the FUV OI and CO 4P Venus dayglow during the Cassini flyby " Icarus 207 2 (2010): 549-557 [8]Lugaz, Noé "Space Weather at Earth and in Our Solar System " The Sun as a Guide to Stellar Physics Elsevier, 2019 335-361 [9]Filiberto, Justin, et al "Present-day volcanism on Venus as evidenced from weathering rates of olivine " Science Advances 6 1 (2020): eaax7445 ◆ Video SATELLITE IN THE NIGHT SKY( Jupiter Thunder Dragon - English Dubbed( [CF]Venus Etienne-Susie Kang( Airplanes In The Night Sky( Light in night sky, plane or UFO( AGE sunset with Venus, Philippines, 4 January 2020( How to feed a dog with vegetables instead of pizza`s( Orion, Venus and Sunrise( The Martians in Mars Attacks( St Pete Beach, Florida( New Technology 2019( Key and Peele: Clear History( Hydraulic Press Crushing Things Compilation( Sulphuric Acid vs Toilet Paper( Stephen Hawking's Last Speech( Mission Profile - 1960-03-11 - Pioneer 5( KSP - Venera 1 - Pure Stock Replicas( America's First 'First' in Space( Venera 14 descent vehicle Венера( Soviet Venus space probe "Venera-4" 1967 documentary( Mariner 4 - The First Successful Mars Flyby - Orbiter 2010( Atmosphere and weather of Venus( Venera 10 spacecraft( Venera 9 Uzay Aracı Venüs Yüzeyine İnişi (22/10/1975)( Japan’s Akatsuki probe to orbit Venus( Venus-Space Engine( Solar System /Venus, the Morning Star and Evening Star( Parker Solar Probe / Solar Orbiter( ◆ Music Storm Time by Muciojad Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3 0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3 0 Music promoted by Audio Library ◆ 안될과학 인스타그램 ◆ 안될과학-모어사이언스 스마트스토어 (과학굿즈) ◆ 안될과학 문의 E-MAIL : MoreScience2018@gmail com