태양, 인류의 희망 - 태양계 시리즈 2탄 [안될과학-긴급과학]
빅뱅 이후 태양은 인류의 희망일까? 태양계 달력을 팔기 위한 집념의 화신! 궤도가 준비한 두 번째 태양계 시리즈! 긴급과학에서 한방에 정리해보았습니다! #태양 #태양계 #지동설 #파커태양탐사선 #새해 #일출 ◆ Thanks to Written and Directed by Orbit Editor: RM BOM Reference: [1]Galilei, Galileo Discoveries and opinions of Galileo: including The starry messenger (1610), Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina (1615), and excerpts from Letters on sunspots (1613), The assayer (1623) Vol 94 Anchor, 1957 [2]Ness, N F , C S Scearce, and S Cantarano "Preliminary results from the Pioneer 6 magnetic field experiment " Journal of Geophysical Research 71 13 (1966): 3305-3313 [3]Goldstein, R M "Superior conjunction of Pioneer 6 " Science 166 3905 (1969): 598-601 [4]Hudson, Hugh S , Laurence E Peterson, and Daniel A Schwartz "The hard solar X-ray spectrum observed from the Third Orbiting Solar Observatory " The Astrophysical Journal 157 (1969): 389 [5]Gosling, J T , et al "Mass ejections from the Sun: A view from Skylab " Journal of Geophysical Research 79 31 (1974): 4581-4587 [6]Bruner Jr, E C , et al "Preliminary results from the Orbiting Solar Observatory 8-Transition-zone dynamics over a sunspot " The Astrophysical Journal 210 (1976): L97-L101 [7]Jackson, B V , and C H Leinert "Helios images of solar mass ejections " Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 90 A11 (1985): 10759-10764 [8]Jackson, B V "Helios observations of the earthward-directed mass ejection of 27 November, 1979 " Solar physics 95 2 (1985): 363-370 Ogawara, Y , et al "The Solar-A mission: an overview " The Yohkoh (Solar-A) Mission Springer, Dordrecht, 1991 1-16 [9]Domingo, V , Bernhard Fleck, and A I Poland "SOHO: the solar and heliospheric observatory " Space Science Reviews 72 1-2 (1995): 81-84 Gentner, Dedre, et al "Analogical reasoning and conceptual change: A case study of Johannes Kepler " The journal of the learning sciences 6 1 (1997): 3-40 [10]Gentner, Dedre "Analogy in scientific discovery: The case of Johannes Kepler " Model-Based Reasoning Springer, Boston, MA, 2002 21-39 Pesnell, W Dean, B Jꎬ Thompson, and P C Chamberlin "The solar dynamics observatory (SDO) " The Solar Dynamics Observatory Springer, New York, NY, 2011 3-15 [11]Mueller, Daniel, et al "Solar orbiter " Solar Physics 285 1-2 (2013): 25-70 Case, Anthony W , et al "The Solar Probe Cup on the Parker Solar Probe " The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 246 2 (2020): 43 ◆ Video S#arp - Closer, Music Camp( Sad Pepero Kiss( Bullying Residents( Understanding the Magnetic Sun( Parker Solar Probe - orbit and timeline( NASA ScienceCasts: Effects of the Solar Wind( A Decade of Sun( Sunrise( TAEYANG(EYES, NOSE, LIPS) M/V( ◆ Music Storm Time by Muciojad Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3 0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3 0 Music promoted by Audio Library ◆ 안될과학 인스타그램 ◆ 안될과학-모어사이언스 스마트스토어 (과학굿즈) ◆ 안될과학 문의 E-MAIL : MoreScience2018@gmail com