Psalm 146: Come Lord and save us

Psalm 146: Come Lord and save us

Come, Lord, and Save Us | Psalm 146 (32nd Sunday, Year B) 🎶 This heartfelt responsorial psalm for the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, "Come, Lord, and Save Us," is a stirring prayer for God’s intervention and mercy in our lives. Psalm 146 calls us to trust in the Lord, who brings justice to the oppressed, gives food to the hungry, and lifts up those who are bowed down. As we sing this prayer, we invite the Lord to come to our aid, bringing hope, healing, and strength to all who call upon Him. ✨ Lyrics Highlights: "Come, Lord, and save us. The Lord protects strangers, sustains the widow and the orphan, but thwarts the way of the wicked." In a world filled with challenges and uncertainty, this psalm reminds us of God’s steadfast love and His promise to be our defender and deliverer. Let this psalm be your prayer today, an invitation for the Lord’s presence in every moment of life, lifting up the weak, healing the broken, and guiding all who put their hope in Him. 🕊️ Subscribe for more psalms, hymns, and worship songs that inspire faith and deepen our relationship with God. 💬 Share how this psalm has encouraged you, and let’s unite in this powerful proclamation of trust in God’s saving power. #Psalm146 #32ndSunday #ComeLordAndSaveUs #LiturgicalMusic #CatholicWorship #TrustInGod #PraiseAndWorship #FaithAndHope #GodsProtection #SpiritualSongs #SundayPsalms #WorshipTogether #GodsJustice #FaithJourney #ChristianFaith #HolyScriptures #DivineMercy #strengthinthelord