How To Increase Metabolism After 40 (BOOST Your Metabolism NOW!)

How To Increase Metabolism After 40 (BOOST Your Metabolism NOW!)

How To Increase Metabolism After 40... Hey guys, in this video I am going to tell you how to increase your metabolism after 40. You can feel that everything has slowed down with your metabolism, and you know that you are losing ground. Even if you are eating the same as you have been, you can start to see that you are putting on weight. There is something called your BASAL METABOLISM, which is the amount of calories your body burns while resting. How do we get our basal metabolic rate to be higher? I have 6 scientifically proven ideas that I am going to share with you for how to increase your metabolism. If you do not think about these tips and work to implement them, you are never going to increase your metabolism. The first idea, and it might sound straightforward, is NUTRITION. We have to eat healthier than we did when we were younger. Nutrition is one of the only things in your life that you have total control over. The second idea is WATER. You need to drink more water because that will help you bring nutrients throughout your body. It also helps to flush toxins out of your body. Another great perk of water is it helps prevent hunger. The third idea, and a really big one, is SLEEP. Really try to prioritize getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night. When you sleep, your body is able to rest and recover, and you produce more hormones like testosterone. These are the first 3 tips to help you increase your metabolism. Idea number 4 for how to increase your metabolism after 40 is EXERCISE. There are two categories I am going to break this down into, the first is cardio. Find ways to get up and move! Make small changes, take the stairs, park farther away in the parking lot, there are a lot of small things you can do for cardio. The next thing you need to do is RESISTANCE TRAINING. The more muscle you have, the more calories you are going to burn. The more calories your burn, the higher your metabolism is. Try to focus on strength training a minimum of 3 days a week. The final tip for helping you increase your testosterone after 40 is MINDSET. Why do you need to increase your metabolism, why are you going to focus on these tips? Motivate yourself to be healthier and when you do this you are going to see so many benefits. Well guys, that wraps up this video tutorial for how to increase metabolism after 40. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to be healthier and get in shape after 40:    / @liveanabolic      • Video      • How To Increase Metabolism After 40 (...