Eliminate Spiritual/Astral Parasites From Energy Body
Eliminate Spiritual/Astral Parasites From Energy Body #frequencyhealing #spiritualparasite #badenergyremoval A sound alchemy frequency healing session to help rid the spiritual system of any unwanted entities, parasites, negative energies that may be attached to the aura/energy body. This session focuses on strengthening your own spiritual power to rid and guard off these entities. FREQUENCIES USED 417Hz: Removes Negativity 2222Hz: Energy Balance - Harmony 999Hz: Soul Purification 90Hz: Spiritual Energy Shield DOWNLOAD https://www.sound-energy-alchemist.co... *follower request : Thank You ! GUIDELINES Please wear stereo headphones with a good wide range of frequencies ( earphones will not be suffice ). Please listen on a low to medium volume. Please listen just before you go to sleep. It is recommended to use this sound healing session for 2 - 3 times for the first week and then whenever you feel the pull towards it there after. We have a Blog post explaining in more detail why we reccomend Headphones: https://www.sound-energy-alchemist.co... 🎧HEADPHONES Recommended for Sound Healing Listening Sennheiser Momentum Wireless Headphones: https://amzn.to/3BLZyNJ Recommended 🎧︎ for ASMR Beats Studio 3 Headphones : https://amzn.to/3BXczDZ *affiliate link *affiliate link —————————————————— We are also ASMR nerds. Check our Asmr channels Auriela ASMR:    / @aurielaasmr  Nocturnal Nook:    / @nocturnalnookasmr  ————————————————————- Don’t want the ads ? We have several options for you that are AD free: Download singles and albums from our website: https://www.sound-energy-alchemist.co... Go premium on YouTube:    / premium  ————————————————————- __________________________________________ www.living-one-vibrational-energy.com __________________________________________ Terms of Use https://www.living-one-vibrational-en... Disclaimer The Sound Alchemist’s products and experiences are in no way a replacement for traditional medicine. We seek to facilitate mental, spiritual and physical transformations and healing through spiritual techniques that are designed to transform states of consciousness, mindfulness and reflection. ©️SoundEnergyAlchemist Copyright ⓒ 2022 Mystical Moon Records. All Rights Reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. // www.living-one-vibrational-energy.com //