Kya Gas Se Bp High Hota Hai|Can Acidity Cause High Blood Pressure,Reason In Hindi | Boldsky
खराब लाइफस्टाइल और खानपान में गड़बड़ी के कारण अक्सर हाई बीपी की समस्या होती है. हाई बीपी एक दिन में शुरू नहीं होती है बल्कि यह कई खराब लाइफस्टाइल और खानपान का नतीजा होता है. ब्लड प्रेशर हाई होने से चक्कर आना, शरीर में सुस्ती छाना, कमजोरी, धुंधला दिखाई देना, सीने में दर्द जैसी परेशानियां होती है. हाई बीपी को हाइपरटेंशन भी कहा जाता है. जब नसों में ब्लड का प्रेशर बढ़ता है तो गंभीर परेशानियां होती है. जिसके कारण गैस या गैस्ट्रिक प्रॉब्लम होती है. पर इसी के साथ मन में सवाल उठता है की क्या पेट में गैस बनने से बीपी हाई हो जाता है? The problem of high BP often occurs due to poor lifestyle and eating disorders. High BP does not start in a day but it is the result of many bad lifestyle and eating habits. High blood pressure causes problems like dizziness, lethargy in the body, weakness, blurred vision, chest pain etc. Due to which gas or gastric problem occurs. But at the same time a question arises in the mind that does BP become high due to formation of gas in the stomach? #CanAcidityCauseHighBloodPressure, #KyaGasSeBPHighHotaHaiKya, #AciditySeBPBadhtaHaiKya, #CausesOfAcidity ~HT.178~PR.266~ED.120~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some product recommendations for you 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Gasex Relief Tablets👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/gasexhimalaya Ultimate Low Carb Diet👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/lowcarbfoods Digital Blood Pressure Monitor👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/hemintellisense Safety First Aid Kit👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/kitsupplement ENO Chewy Bites👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/enochew UPSC Papers Mastery👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/xhpsa Essay Mastery Book👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/p7xde -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some product recommendations for you 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Gasex Relief Tablets👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/gasexhimalaya Ultimate Low Carb Diet👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/lowcarbfoods Digital Blood Pressure Monitor👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/hemintellisense Safety First Aid Kit👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/kitsupplement ENO Chewy Bites👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/enochew UPSC Papers Mastery👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/xhpsa Essay Mastery Book👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/p7xde -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some product recommendations for you 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Gasex Relief Tablets👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/gasexhimalaya Ultimate Low Carb Diet👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/lowcarbfoods Digital Blood Pressure Monitor👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/hemintellisense Safety First Aid Kit👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/kitsupplement ENO Chewy Bites👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/enochew UPSC Papers Mastery👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/xhpsa Essay Mastery Book👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/p7xde -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some product recommendations for you 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Gasex Relief Tablets👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/gasexhimalaya Ultimate Low Carb Diet👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/lowcarbfoods Digital Blood Pressure Monitor👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/hemintellisense Safety First Aid Kit👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/kitsupplement ENO Chewy Bites👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/enochew UPSC Papers Mastery👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/xhpsa Essay Mastery Book👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/p7xde -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some product recommendations for you 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Gasex Relief Tablets👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/gasexhimalaya Ultimate Low Carb Diet👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/lowcarbfoods Digital Blood Pressure Monitor👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/hemintellisense Safety First Aid Kit👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/kitsupplement ENO Chewy Bites👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/enochew UPSC Papers Mastery👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/xhpsa Essay Mastery Book👇 👉 https://amazon.yt.cash/p7xde -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to Boldsky Channel for latest updates. / @boldsky Follow us on Twitter / boldskyliving Like us on Facebook / boldsky.com Join us on Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+Boldsky/posts https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...