True Greatness is Found in Service 9-26-2021

True Greatness is Found in Service 9-26-2021 Immanuel Lutheran Church Findlay, Ohio 45840 419-422-8209 "True Greatness is Found in Service" St. Mark 9: 30-37 Accompanist: Connie Krueger September 26, 2021 *Please sign our friendship/guest register: *Bulletin download: *Feel free to check in, follow our page, like, comment, start a watch party, and share the good news of Jesus! *If you would like to support the ministry of Immanuel Lutheran Church, there is a Free Will / Offering link on our website: or an offering can be mailed to the church. *You can view this video on our church website: or on our YouTube channel:    / immanuelfindlay   Click subscribe and turn on notifications if you'd like an alert to video uploads or follow our page on Facebook #immanuelfindlay *Livestream and Reprinted by permission. # A-702769 Used with Permission through our CCLI Copyright License Number 11130433 and Streaming License Number 21022185.