I only ATE *ONCE* for 2 MONTHS । One Meal a Day (OMAD) Diet for Weight Loss – My Results and Tips!

I only ATE *ONCE* for 2 MONTHS । One Meal a Day (OMAD) Diet for Weight Loss – My Results and Tips!

Hey everyone, in this video I have covered my whole journey of OMAD or One Meal a Day, an extended version of Intermittent Fasting. You can try this method to loss weight or to experience it's amazing effects! One Meal a Day (OMAD) Diet for Weight Loss – My Results and Tips! । I only ATE ”ONCE” for 2 MONTHS . Note- If you have any underlying health condition, please consult your health doctor before starting. If you're a pregnant or breastfeeding, do thorough research before attempting IF. Eat full meals during periods. Dr. Eric Berg's Channel:   / @drberg   Dr. Jason Fung Channel:   / @drjasonfung   Pink water bottle - BETLEX Plastic 2Liter Water Bottle With Straw https://amzn.in/d/7vyEegN I quit 95% sugar for 3 years-    • I QUIT 95% SUGAR FOR 3 YEARS. This ha...   You can subscribe for more such videos!🎀    / @thepurvioutlook   Time stamps: 0:00-0:21 INTRO 0:21-1:10 WHY IT STARTED? 1:10-1:32 WARNING 1:32-2:02 DISCLAIMER 2:02-2:31 PERMANENT LOSS 2:31-2:54 GIRLS, NOTE! 2:54-3:57 DO THIS 3:57-4:59 WHAT I ATE? 4:59-5:23 MY THOUGHT PROCESS? 5:23-6:18 FIRST POSITIVE EFFECT 6:18-6:56 SECOND 6:56-7:20 THIRD 7:20-7:30 FOURTH 7:30-8:15 WHY TO EAT EARLY? 8:15-8:32 FIFTH POSITIVE EFFECT 8:32-9:06 SIDE EFFECTS? 9:06-9:57 PERSONAL ADVICE? 9:57-10:27 LOVE YOURSELF! 10:27-10:58 OUTRO Hey:) I'm Purvi, a Voice Over Artist for 6+ years based in India. I upload Healthcare & Self development videos to share my knowledge and experience of 8+ years. My motive is to make people aware about better Healthcare & lifestyle options, so they level up in their lives. Cheers! Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand the basics of intermittent fasting. Disclaimer: The video is intended as an educational resource only. The information within this video or on this channel isn't designed to replace professional input, so if you have any medical issues please consult a medical provider. No professional relationship is being created by watching this video. ThePurviOutlook can't give any individual medical advice. All information should be verified for accuracy by the individual user. ThePurviOutlook accepts no responsibility for individual interpretation of data, although it is always accurate to the best of her knowledge at the time of the video being published. This is an EDUCATIONAL video. Images are used in accordance with fair use guidelines. Legal information: Content provided via YouTube is for general information purposes ONLY. Information videos are not produced to provide individualised medical advice. Medical education videos on ThePurviOutlook are not a substitute for professional professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. NEVER ignore professional medical advice because of something you have heard here. ALWAYS consult your doctor regarding any concerns about your condition or treatment. Tags: One Meal a Day (OMAD) Diet for Weight Loss – My Results and Tips! I only ATE ONCE for 2 MONTHS, one meal a day results, omad weight loss, weight loss, omad results, exercise to lose weight fast at home, Dieting, no diet, omad weight loss plateau, omad before and after, omad tips, omad tips and tricks, omad result, Omad diet weight loss results, keto weight loss, Omad, OMAD weight loss, freezer meals for one, wellness for life, one month of omad, #intermittentfasting #weightloss #youtube #MyHealthyTone #omad