Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary | 6 Rules Of Money That Will Make You Rich Forever |

Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary | 6 Rules Of Money That Will Make You Rich Forever |

Online Video Books: Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert Kiyosaki’s best-selling book about the difference in mindset between the poor, middle class, and rich. In this Rich Dad Poor Dad book summary, we’ll break down some of the best lessons Kiyosaki shares to help you become more financially literate. So, let’s dive in. Timestamps: 00:00 - Elon And His Wealth 01:44 - Graham Bell And His Patent 03:40 - Elite And Their Meeting 04:52 - Financial Literacy Explained In 3 Steps 06:52 - Pay Yourself First 07:21 - Ray Kroc And Mcdonalds 09:36 - Best Selling Author And Ego 13:28 - Want To Become Wealthy? Subscribe For Finance And Content Creation Videos    / zeeshanshaikh   Follow Us On:   / iamseeken     / seekeners     / zeeshan-s.  .