Psoriasis Causes, Symptoms, Types In Hindi | सोरायसिस क्या है, क्यूँ होता है, कारण, लक्षण, प्रकार

Psoriasis Causes, Symptoms, Types In Hindi | सोरायसिस क्या है, क्यूँ होता है, कारण, लक्षण, प्रकार

English Version:    • Psoriasis - All about you need to kno...   Psoriasis occurs when skin cells are replaced more quickly than usual. It's not known exactly why this happens, but research suggests it's caused by a problem with the immune system. Your body produces new skin cells in the deepest layer of skin. These skin cells gradually move up through the layers of skin until they reach the outermost level, where they die and flake off. This whole process normally takes around 3 to 4 weeks. However, in people with psoriasis, this process only takes about 3 to 7 days. As a result, cells that are not fully mature build up rapidly on the surface of the skin, causing flaky, crusty patches covered with scales. Lets gets cure getly by Homeopathy, Get our assistance Dr Vinod Urade MD (Hom) Director- Amrutanubhav Homeopathic Clinic and Research Centre, Yeola (MH) Ph: +91 7507635144 #psoriasis #psoriasistreatment #psoriasisdiet #homeopathy #itching #eczema